Week 3: Go Greek


This week I went and treated myself to an amazing vegetarian smorgasbord from Grecian Key restaurant on Main St. and it was amazing (top picture). It was my first time patronizing this restaurant, but one of my coworkers recommended it to me and it did not disappoint; there were plenty of non-meat options for me to choose from and the owner was a hilarious host.  The gyro meat did make my heart beat a little faster when I saw it go by, but I was content with my hummus, feta, and olives. If you like Greek food, I would definitely recommend!

I did really well this week on trying to cook some healthy, home-cooked meals. My favorite dish that I made was just fajitas with onions, bell pepper, and mushrooms topped with guacamole and sour cream; they were super filling, fast to make, and filled the Mexican food shaped hole in my heart. I should have taken a picture, but I inhaled them after finishing a shift at work. 

As far as spirituality goes, I definitely think there is strong correlation between one's occupation and their spiritual health. If we are doing activities everyday that do not excite, stimulate, or bring us joy then our mental, spiritual, and emotional health are all going to suffer. My new occupation, for example, has enriched my spirituality by making me more conscious of what I am putting in my body which has led to me respecting my body more and becoming more mindful overall.  With all this in mind, I agree with the decision to include spirituality in the OTPF 3rd ed.  We are learning more and more everyday about the complexities of the human experience and mental health still has a lot of ground to make up since building up its legitimacy in recent years.  It is important to recognize a person's essential self and what truly makes them joyful in order to bring them to recovery or independence in any form. I think it belongs because it is essentially one's life purpose or meaning of life and, as occupational therapists, will not be able to motivate or truly help clients unless we are able to acknowledge their spirituality and its important to their OT journey.


  1. Great job this week Libby! I love the Grecian Key and agree that the owner is hilarious! It's a fun environment as well as great food. Also, your fajitas sound delicious! What other recipes are you hoping to try this semester?
    I really respect your mindset of being aware of what you're putting in your body. I'm sure that adds to your spirituality a lot as you practice being more mindful. Keep up the good work :)

    1. Thanks Emily! I really want to focus making more balanced meals this semester. I'm notorious for only eating carbs and not really having the best sources of protein so I would say that is my main goal.

  2. Libby, congrats on finding one of the OG restaurants in Pocy. My wife and I love the Key!!! The kitchen is gross but the food is amazing and thanks to your picture I must go there this weekend. I can see how this occupation may be difficult to relate to spirituality but when we feel good we are able to find more satisfaction in our occupations.


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