
Showing posts from September, 2021

Week 4: Meat & Memories

     Okay, I caved this week.  I have been steadfastly loyal to my animal comrades, but when I saw a massive sausage breakfast burrito, the withdrawals hit and I think I blacked out and just ordered it. All dramatics aside though, it was a nice cheat meal and I am still motivated to stay strong on my no-meat mission.  I didn't have any good food or cooking pictures from this week, so instead I wanted to share a picture of one of my special places for our Haasselkus discussion: the little oasis in Caldwell, ID where I grew up.      One place that personally holds a lot of experiences and memories is my childhood home. I shared this with my LTD group as we discussed this topic, but my parents recently put our super awesome home/land (bias warning) up for sale this week and I have been feeling a roller coaster of emotions.  I would consider this a gradual build of space to place; I lived there from ages 2-21 so I have a substantial amount of mem...

Week 3: Go Greek

  This week I went and treated myself to an amazing vegetarian smorgasbord from Grecian Key restaurant on Main St. and it was amazing (top picture). It was my first time patronizing this restaurant, but one of my coworkers recommended it to me and it did not disappoint; there were plenty of non-meat options for me to choose from and the owner was a hilarious host.  The gyro meat did make my heart beat a little faster when I saw it go by, but I was content with my hummus, feta, and olives. If you like Greek food, I would definitely recommend! I did really well this week on trying to cook some healthy, home-cooked meals. My favorite dish that I made was just fajitas with onions, bell pepper, and mushrooms topped with guacamole and sour cream; they were super filling, fast to make, and filled the Mexican food shaped hole in my heart. I should have taken a picture, but I inhaled them after finishing a shift at work.  As far as spirituality goes, I definitely think there is st...

Week 2: Getting into the groove

  This week turned out to be a good one! There were no accidental slip-ups or half-eaten chicken salads and I’ve started expanding my usual cooking expertise.   Included in this post is a super unappealing picture of the vegetable quiche I made this weekend, and I promise it was better than it looks since I ate 75% of it before I took a picture—whoops!   Although, it was a bit of a cheat since it was a crustless quiche, but I know my limits at making pie crusts.   I am definitely feeling more on track and encouraged now that we are starting to get a couple weeks in to forming a new routine.   The one obstacle I faced this week was when Hailey and I ventured to the fair on Saturday night and we realized how tough it would be to not eat meat at the fair, but luckily carbs and cheese held me over (as usual).     From page 22 of our Hassekkus (2011) text, Yerxa’s expanded definition of occupation seemed to fit my chosen occupation of...

Week 1: Prepping!

The greatest store on earth (besides Costco)...   Well, I officially made it though day 1 of my pescatarian mission!  The main events of my preparation have included a massive trip to Winco (pictured above) to stock up on lots of produce and essentials for my no-meat meals as well as making my boyfriend eat all of the remaining meats still in the house. He is eventually going to join me on cutting out meat, but he has a couple of chicken taquitos and pepperoni pizzas in the freezer to finish up first.  In the past, I have struggled with low iron levels, so I want to make sure I am still getting a good amount of protein as I eliminate traditional proteins from my diet.  Black beans, eggs, and beans/lentils are what I am starting to incorporate, but I would love any suggestions if you guys know of any good alternative protein sources.    Honestly, I am not 100% sure where I land on the self vs. society continuum in this situation, but I do know that I have be...