Week 7

     I didn't have a picture of any amazing food this week, so I promise I will step up my game next week. I think reaching the midway point of the semester is definitely starting to show.  My journey of cutting out meat is still going great though; I haven't had any relapses or accidents in quite a while which is making me feel pretty confident about my abilities.  When I visited home this weekend for my birthday, my mom loaded me up with a bunch of frozen meat alternatives like fake sausage patties, chicken patties, and chorizo which will be awesome to make some meals with and I will post my attempts next week!

     I initially chose to adopt this occupation because I wanted to improve my gut health and overall eating habits. I definitely think that having a strongly beneficial reason behind it like I do has made it easier for me to stick to my plan and know that I am doing this for a purpose.  By being able to actively work towards my health, I am able to contribute to a more confident, healthy, and dedicated "me".  I think there can be a societal stigma around meatless diets, especially in rural areas, but I don't really think anyone's diet or what they choose to eat is  anyone else's business so I haven't been concerned with the societal mirror really.


  1. Hey, Libby! You've done such a great job with your new occupation, it has been awesome to watch! All of those meat alternatives sound so yummy, you'll have to let me know how they are! Since you mentioned there being a societal stigma around meatless diets, I wondered if you have noticed any barriers to your new diet due to that stigma? When you go to restaurants to eat or even to the grocery store, do you feel like there are limited options for you to choose while avoiding meat? I think that you chose such a great occupation, and there are so many benefits to it. Great job!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Hailey! While meatless options are becoming more common in the frozen section, some brands are better than others so I am still experimenting. It's when I am out at restaurants that it can be tricky; sometimes I can find a healthier type of place that has vegetarian options, but those are hard to find around here, so usually I am out of luck unless they have a fish option I can get!

  2. Libby, you have demonstrated great restraint and self-control. Kudos to you for sticking with it and trying to make good choices. Will you be going back to your meat eating ways when the semester is over?


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