Week 8: Veggies and Adventures

I hope everyone had a good weekend and took some time to relax; it feels like the semester is already wrapping up in a sense and suddenly every project and paper has come out of the woodwork.  I was able to spend the weekend with my boyfriend and his family in Yellowstone so I am feeling a little rejuvenated for another week of grad school.  I didn't cook as much as I usually do this week, so I included a picture from Yellowstone of Gibbon Falls instead.  It was my first time visiting the park and I was blown away by the peace that the space brings. There was a downside though as I faced a new hurdle in my occupation while on this trip; we were making family style meals for 10 people (mainly picky kids) and sometimes there just wasn't a great option for me.  Even though they tried to accommodate me and make sure I was had something to eat, I always feel like I just end up with some variation of starchy carbohydrates and cheese in these situations.

        I think this a perfect example of how resources can influence ones level of participation.  The biggest one I felt was inadequate during this time was my social resources; I was the only one who ate a variation of the dinners and I almost felt guilty when they would try to set part aside for me without meat or something.  This combined with the fact that the provided material resources honestly weren't enough to fill me up or really satisfy me made me feel a little alienated and unsuccessful (and hungry) over the course of the weekend. This is a super small scale representative of how I'm sure people with disabilities might feel when an organization, business, etc. do not have adequate resources to include them. This type of social inclusion is one of the biggest calls to action that the disabled has called for and it is even clearer to me now how this type of alienation can wear down a person's self-esteem, self-concept, and self-efficacy on a larger scale.


  1. Hey Libby! Yellowstone is way cool, I'm glad you got to go! I think your experience is a great example of how resources can influence and affect participation. If you were going on a weekend trip like that again, do you think there is anything you would do differently to prepare for it, or make the meal situation a little easier to handle?

    1. I agree Erica, this was definitely a learning experience for me and I know now that I need to be more prepared for myself in the future. For example, I should have brought some alternate proteins because I was pretty hangry from just eating little snacks and things that didn't really fill me up. It would have been easy to have some of the frozen meat alternatives and just make a small version of the dinner for myself. Moving forward I will know more ways to incorporate my eating habits into regular meals with others.


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