Week 10: Nachos & Nibbles

     Well the weeks are flying by which makes this new occupation of cutting out meat feel more like my identity the more I continue.  I had done really well sticking to my goal, and I truly have seen an improvement in my health; I used to have horrible vomiting episodes when I ate something too heavy or not right, but I haven't had any big flare ups in a while and it feels good.  I did have a small indulgence when my boyfriend and I made the nachos pictured above this week. He made steak to go on top of his half (which looks a lot better than the beans on my half) and it looked so good I had to try a bite. It was a delicious reminder that small treats or deviations don't have to derail an entire journey.

    The 2008 article by Deci & Ryan was a great dive into motivation and I felt a lot of draw to my personal adoption of a new occupation.  I feel as though I have held autonomous motivation throughout my experience-- I have allowed myself to make mistakes and grow from them, I have had a healthy intrinsic goal driving me, and I am truly taking the things I learn and applying them to myself and my personal growth.  I also was reminded of the fact that we pretty much had free reign on picking our new occupation, which gave us a sense of autonomy even within the assignment. 



  1. That’s awesome that your health is improving! Back in undergrad, I did presentations on the importance of the gut microbiome. I thought it was really interesting the various aspects of life that just eating food can have on someone. It ranged from anxiety symptoms to obesity risk in adolescents. Do you think if we were not assigned to pick a new occupation at the beginning of the term, you would have chosen to change your diet? Would you have chosen to cut out less meat, or how would not having this assignment change it?

    1. I agree, it so crazy how influential our gut health/biome is on the rest of our health! I knew that I needed to make some sort of change or implementation in my diet, so this assignment really just provided a structured opportunity for me to do that. I feel as though I might have chosen to stop eating meat, at least temporarily, without this assignment, but I don't think I would have stayed as diligent or committed without the social support from class or the reflection in the blogs.


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