Week 11: Sushi & Storymaking


    The only memorable meal from my week was when I splurged on some sushi from Tokyo Belly.  I, of course, forgot to take a picture before diving in, so I borrowed this photo from the Idaho State Journal in order to somehow show off the newer local business.  They are a little spendy, but worth it for some good sushi (in my opinion) if you are into it. They also have great boba tea if you like that!

    I think what we eat can be a big contributor to our identity and our story making process.  At this point we know how occupations shape our lives and our true selves, and I think the human connection to food and cooking is a great example of that.  We could just be eating caloric mush in order to survive, but instead we have a worldwide array of cuisines, recipes, and techniques to explore food and how we can enjoy it.  Food is also a great mode of social unification which is another reason why I love it; I spend most of my time cooking either with my boyfriend, or back home with my family which are always memorable and meaningful experiences.


  1. Libby, thanks for the tip on the sushi place! I love your perspective on how we, as humans, connect with food. I have definitely seen that in my life. Certain foods bring back memories of my childhood and feelings of home. Some people eat food purely for survival, but I believe most people have a connection to specific foods that they particularly enjoy. Do you have a favorite food that bring back childhood memories?

  2. My family is Dutch, so we have a tradition of making stroopwaffles every Christmas. They are like two super thin waffles with a caramel filling and they are amazing. It's always a big ordeal of everyone in the kitchen with their specific job and a Christmas movie playing the background and one of my most favorite family memories.


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