Week 9: Titles are hard


    Life as a pescatarian is going well; I am loving all the new foods that this adventure has made me try, as well as realizing what I don't miss that much.  I wanted to include a picture of all the stuff I have in my freezer to make alternative meals with. The little "sausage" patties are probably my favorite things to make with eggs for breakfast.  I haven't tried the pizza bites yet, bit I am so looking forward to trying them and will update you guys on how they turn out.  I have to admit that I still miss bacon for some reason. My boyfriend brought home some carbonara from his work the other night and I made him give me a bite without any bacon chunks in it.  I'm not sure is that's cheating, but it was worth it. 

    Listening to the Flowers on the Wall song was a blast- it felt like I was back in my dad's truck on the way to school. I definitely felt the correlation between the lyrics and last week's discussion on boredom; the overall message that they were content being by themselves and being capable of entertaining themselves is foreign to a lot of us.  I think this supports the idea presented in the Martin, Gayno, & Stew (2006) article of boredom proneness where some people are in a better place mentally to keep themselves entertained/focused even when alone. 


  1. Libby,
    Titles are hard. I feel you there. Maybe I can offer some insight on why you miss bacon for some reason.... because it's awesome. What has been something that you have unexpectedly enjoyed about starting your diet? And I agree with how you said that the message of the song was that they could be content with themselves. Thanks!

  2. Hey Matthew!

    I think this whole process has made me a better meal planner and not always thinking about dinner at 9pm with no food in the house; I am getting really good at having both fresh vegetables and some form of alternative protein in the house so that I always have something. I have also come to like a few foods better I than I did before which might have not happened if I hadn't cut out meat such as hummus, bell peppers, and brussel sprouts.


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